Usually, when people think about hooking up and joined localsexhookup.com, they think about fulfilling a basic need. I really can’t blame these people because, let’s face it, our sex drives are still human drives. They’re part of what defines us. They’re part of our survival. They’re part of our needs. Now, a lot of people would make a big deal of the fact that human being are moral, we have a freedom of choice and that we have higher reasoning capabilities.
All these are true, but it is also true that sex is part of our set of needs. Just as you need to eat, drink, go to the bathroom, sleep, we also need to have sex. And if you’re able to fully understand that, then you can also understand why a lot of people are miserable because they repress a basic human drive. Now, you can understand why a lot of people are very negative, pessimistic, they often beat themselves up, they engage in destructive behavior like passive-aggressive behavior. And many people who suffer from sexual repression are also emotionally imbalanced. They go from hot and cold, they often envy other people, they always comparing themselves. It’s really a sad situation.
I mentioned these realities because you have to be honest with your basic sex drive when you’re going on dates made possible by online sex hookup. If you’re able to understand this and you’re able to implement a workable strategy where you’re completely honest with your sex drive and you are able to perform at a very high level and give a lot of pleasure, you draw a lot of pleasure to yourself as well. You see, there’s almost a semi-spiritual component to sexuality because a lot of people distort sex as some sort of activity where you’re the only recipient. That’s not true.
Human sexuality is all about giving and receiving. The more you give, the more you receive. This is a perfect gateway to the ultimate spiritual awareness everybody is capable of which is transcendence. When we are able to look beyond our needs and we’re able to understand other people and connect with them past our utility for them, then we truly are able to transcend what limits us. I don’t want to sound all metaphysical and philosophical on you, but sex really is a gateway to the divine. It’s a gateway to higher states of consciousness and awareness if you let it.